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In Progress

CB Tregs, Regulatory T cells from cord blood

PB Tregs, Regulaotry T cells from adult peripheral blood


Since the role of cord blood (CB) regulatory T cells (Tregs) for the suppression of the allogeneic T-cell response is under investigation, we analyzed and compared the functional properties and gene expression profile of Tregs expanded from CB units or from the peripheral blood (PB) of helathy donors. Tregs were purified from 23 CB units and from the PB of 13 donors and expanded for 6 days with anti-CD3, anti-CD28 and IL-2. Immunophenotypic analyses were performed, and suppressor activity of expanded Tregs was measured in mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) cultures. The IL-10 production capacity was tested and gene expression profile experiments were performed on 6 Tregs from PB and 4 from CB. CB and PB Tregs had similar immunophenotypic features. Tregs from CB presented a higher expansion capacity and genomic characterization showed in CB-derived Tregs a significant enrichments of genes involved in cell proliferation, chromatin modification and regulation of gene expression in CB-derived Tregs. All samples were positive for the Foxp3 gene and protein after expansion. CB and PB expanded Tregs exerted a comparable and potent suppressive function of MLR and presented a high in vitro IL-10 production capacity. Gene profile analysis also revealed for PB Tregs a significant enrichments of genes involved in the adaptive immune response.



Experimental Design

Comparison of the transcriptional profile of T-REGS derived either from cord blood or peripheral blood.6 highly purified T-regs samples derived from peripheral blood of healthy donors were compared to highly purified T-regs from cord blood.

Experimental Variables






Additional Information


Affymetrix HG-U133_Plus_2
10 Samples Loaded: 10
Human (Homo sapiens)
CD4+ T cells , Adult , Neonatal
Sample Set Spreadsheet
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Samples Preview
Sample ID !Sample Title tissue Cell type Group name
GSM558975 T-regs from peripheral blood_BC1 peripheral blood Regulatory T Cell (T-reg) PB Tregs
GSM558976 T-regs from peripheral blood_BC6 peripheral blood Regulatory T Cell (T-reg) PB Tregs
GSM558977 T-regs from peripheral blood_BC7 peripheral blood Regulatory T Cell (T-reg) PB Tregs
GSM558978 T-regs from peripheral blood_BC8 peripheral blood Regulatory T Cell (T-reg) PB Tregs
GSM558979 T-regs from peripheral blood_BC9 peripheral blood Regulatory T Cell (T-reg) PB Tregs
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All fields are editable except the "Sample ID" column. To edit a cell, click within the cell. To edit a "date" cell, click on the calendar icon. To cancel an edit, press the ESC key.

Sample ID !Sample Title Tissue Cell type Group name
T-regs from peripheral blood_BC1
peripheral blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
PB Tregs
T-regs from peripheral blood_BC6
peripheral blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
PB Tregs
T-regs from peripheral blood_BC7
peripheral blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
PB Tregs
T-regs from peripheral blood_BC8
peripheral blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
PB Tregs
T-regs from peripheral blood_BC9
peripheral blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
PB Tregs
T-regs from peripheral blood_BC10
peripheral blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
PB Tregs
T-regs from cord blood_SCO6
cord blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
CB Tregs
T-regs from cord blood_SCO9
cord blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
CB Tregs
T-regs from cord blood_SCO15
cord blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
CB Tregs
T-regs from cord blood_SCO16
cord blood
Regulatory T Cell (T-reg)
CB Tregs

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